in chaos
Because chaos is characterized by"supersensitivity"to the initial conditions and long term non-forecasts of trajectories, control of chaos is of much importance for the application.
A calm brown waterway flows beneath the bridge, interlaced with palm-treed fingers of land; a chaos of water towers, cranes and derricks is revealed in the distance.
一条褐色运河静静地从桥下淌过,交错划过旁边的一片种满棕榈树的狭长地带。 自来水塔四处错落耸立,远处隐约可见起重机和铁架塔。
Rudy Rucker has defined a concept he calls the Gnarl: things that have a level of chaos that is tuned right to the boundary between order and disorder.
Rudy Rucker 定义了一个他称为 Gnarl的概念:具有某种杂乱水平的东西,它正好处在有序与无序之间的边界。
Calvin likewise warned listeners against the musical dangers of chaos, voluptuousness and effeminacy.
Where from a chaos of color spills, lines, tones and half-tints, imperceptible images there comes "Light" and that is deific "Light"!
House number two gives a feeling of calm, joy, and beauty whereas house number one gives a feeling of chaos, depression and stagnancy.
The chaos was all the more shocking to Chileans because they like to think of their country as the best-organised in Latin America.
Knowledge emerges not from chaos, or fixity, but from conditions of uncertainty.
From these paintings one can see the primitive order of values of these peoples , and the utilitarianism, chaos and illogic of their order of values.
Yet as Egypt has descended into chaos, President Obama and his administration have acted very guardedly.
Bocaranda reports that among the issues considered was the possibility of creating a situation of chaos including violence and looting which would provide an excuse for the military and other non-mili
Social Economy Is A Dynamic Development Process from Disorder, Chaos Toward Order and Harmoniousness.
Earlier work had shown how assigning fuzzy values to self-referential sentences could give rise to mathematical chaos.
Acknowledging the chaos and wastefulness of typical consumerist living can help you see not only the way it affects you personally, but the impact it has on your community, the world you inhabit.
to verge on chaos
The storms and torrential rain caused traffic chaos across the country.
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
The government's political and economic reforms threaten to plunge the country into chaos.
He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.
...the electoral chaos that damaged Florida's reputation.